Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hips and Knees

Well I had my knee surgery on November 14th. Doctor said things went well, but I will get a full report next week when I go for my checkup. This recovery has been so much harder than my hip. Oh wait! You were expecting an update on my HIP surgery weren't you. I bet you are confused. Let me back up a bit.

On September 29th I had my hip surgery. It went perfect. Recovery was perfect. I am so thankful I saw a new doctor and had this fixed.

Two weeks after hip surgery I had an appointment with my knee doctor as a follow-up. I have been seeing him every 3 months or so, hoping that my knee would heal. I can't remember if I blogged about it, but Last December, as in 2013, I slipped on a tray at Taco Bell (totally my fault) and I heard/felt my knee break. Six weeks of PT and finally I got an MRI. My patella (knee cap) was messed up. Four more weeks of PT and it was doing MUCH better. Life continued. I started exercising more over the summer with James. Walking, hiking and some bike riding. My knee kept getting worse and worse. To the point I was wearing a knee brace every time we did something. So I returned from my scheduled appointment (2 weeks after hip surgery) and ended up scheduling knee surgery. Yep. My 3rd surgery this year. sigh. Basically, my doctor did a Lateral Release. He snipped the ligament. I guess in this case it is better to cut it than repair it.

This recovery has been harder. I am non-weight bearing, so that means crutches. I HATE CRUTCHES. So I am spending a lot of time sitting. I am not even leaving my house because I have steps and me + crutches + steps = disaster.

I will hopefully be able to walk without aide next week!!

A whole new ME!

This past month I stumbled upon an amazing concept called Bible Journaling. In a nutshell you spend time in the Bible (devotional/quiet time) and then you express yourself directly into your Bible with Art.

Here is a great Example from Shanna Noel's blog : here The above picture was taken from the blog post I linked you too. I have also immersed myself into a Facebook group dedicated to this. Journaling Bible Community. Find it here. This is a closed group...just ask to join!

I haven't started working in a Bible yet. I am personally waiting until I can purchase the one I want. It is a BEAUTIFUL leather journal Bible. Here it is on Amazon. Since I am waiting I have been using my Art journal and my Devotional journal. And collecting lots of ideas and supplies! But, I have noticed since I stumbled upon this concept that I have a new excitement for the Word of God. For so many years I allowed myself to have a surface relationship with God. I was hurt so many times by the church or people from the church that I turned away. Sure I prayed everyday, listened to K-LOVE and other christian music. But I lost that deep connection that comes only from spending time in God's Word. Reading, mediating and searching for nuggets of truth and promises.

Last week I found a devotional site/app that really resonates with me. She Reads Truth. I now eagerly get up in the mornings and jump into my Bible. Spending an hour or more devouring God's promises. I almost don't recognize myself anymore!

And for that I am Thankful!

Give Thanks to the Lord, for his Steadfast Love Endures Forever! Psalms 136

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Reckless words pierce like a sword. Proverbs 12:18

I follow an amazing blogger Holley Gerth, you can find her blog here. This week she posted an amazing post on Words. This really really spoke to me:

A Commitment of Words

We commit to using our words to defend and heal, not to harm.

We will not gossip.

We will not belittle.

We will guard our sisters by always speaking the best about them, encouraging them into all God would have them to be, and offering grace instead of condemnation.

We will be loyal and loving, remembering that even if we disagree we still fight on the same side–never against each other.

We will use our words to build up not tear down, to bring hope and not hurt.

We offer our words as a powerful weapon to fight for each other on the side of all that is good, right, and true.

I will definitely be spending time mediating on this topic. You can read her entire post here.