Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hips and Knees

Well I had my knee surgery on November 14th. Doctor said things went well, but I will get a full report next week when I go for my checkup. This recovery has been so much harder than my hip. Oh wait! You were expecting an update on my HIP surgery weren't you. I bet you are confused. Let me back up a bit.

On September 29th I had my hip surgery. It went perfect. Recovery was perfect. I am so thankful I saw a new doctor and had this fixed.

Two weeks after hip surgery I had an appointment with my knee doctor as a follow-up. I have been seeing him every 3 months or so, hoping that my knee would heal. I can't remember if I blogged about it, but Last December, as in 2013, I slipped on a tray at Taco Bell (totally my fault) and I heard/felt my knee break. Six weeks of PT and finally I got an MRI. My patella (knee cap) was messed up. Four more weeks of PT and it was doing MUCH better. Life continued. I started exercising more over the summer with James. Walking, hiking and some bike riding. My knee kept getting worse and worse. To the point I was wearing a knee brace every time we did something. So I returned from my scheduled appointment (2 weeks after hip surgery) and ended up scheduling knee surgery. Yep. My 3rd surgery this year. sigh. Basically, my doctor did a Lateral Release. He snipped the ligament. I guess in this case it is better to cut it than repair it.

This recovery has been harder. I am non-weight bearing, so that means crutches. I HATE CRUTCHES. So I am spending a lot of time sitting. I am not even leaving my house because I have steps and me + crutches + steps = disaster.

I will hopefully be able to walk without aide next week!!

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